This Article Is The Perfect Read For Any Eczema Sufferer

If your skin often feels itchy or appears reddened or inflamed, you may be suffering from a condition known as eczema. This problem is more common among babies and children, but it can actually occur to people of any age. Keep reading for some useful information about this skin condition.

Avoid scratching your skin in areas that have eczema. This will only aid in making the skin itchier and will increase the inflammation. It could also cause infection. If you need to calm the itch, try applying a cooling gel or moisturizer. Make sure fingernails are clipped short, as well.

When you are thinking about eczema, you may not consider what kind of clothes to wear. This is rather important to your comfort, however. Make sure your clothing is not too tight and try and choose items made from cotton. Do wear course fibers like wool on your skin. Wash everything you buy right away in a mild, natural laundry soap.

Common treatments for eczema include topical creams and ointments that contain cortisone. You could try hydrocortisone that can be purchased at your local drug store. If this doesn’t soothe your eczema, you should talk with your doctor about possibly getting a stronger prescription from him. These will work like other steroid creams, but will be able to be used for a longer time.

If you have been prescribed medicine for your eczema, take it as directed. When all else fails, your doctor may be able to help ease your symptoms by prescribing you something a little stronger than what you can get over the counter. While no one really wants to rely on medication, sometimes it is necessary.

Some researchers have linked eczema to a Vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, a little bit of sunlight may help your condition. Do not go overboard, however. Spend about ten minutes in the sun each day. If you are going to be out longer than that, apply sunscreen and go about your business.

Keep your hands protected. Wear rubber gloves while washing dishes or performing another activity in which your hands are submersed in water. For further protection, wear cotton gloves underneath the rubber ones to reduce sweat and irritation. Use the cotton gloves while performing other activities, such as gardening and housework.

Eczema can make a person have itchy and dry skin. The application of moisturizers is key when it comes to minimizing drying and itching. Moisturizers do not just hydrate your skin. In reality, frequent application of moisturizers allows the skin to retain its natural moisture and oils. Doing this regularly helps prevent dryness and the skin from cracking.

Use an antibiotic ointment on severely cracked skin. This can prevent infections from forming. It also serves as a moisturizer. Do this sparingly though; prolonged use of antibiotic ointments can render them ineffective. If you do have an infection, you should consult your doctor, who may give you an oral antibiotic.

Enjoy a warm bath to soothe your skin. Make sure the water isn’t too hot or cold. Baking soda in your bath water or some colloidal oatmeal is a soothing technique. You can also try half a cup of bleach in a forty gallon bath. This can be helpful in eliminating bacteria that affects the skin.

The clothing you wear can affect whether or not you have eczema flare-ups. Those with eczema should wear clothing made of cotton or cotton blend. On the other hand, clothing made of synthetic fibers and wools ought to be avoided, as they can irritate your skin. Also, wash any clothing your purchase before wearing it.

Because eczema can be caused or aggravated by certain materials, choose your clothing with care. Clothes made of wool or synthetic materials may inflame your skin. Choose clothing made of natural fibers, such as cotton. This is less likely to irritate your skin, and natural fibers allow your skin to breathe, making it less likely that you become overheated. Since heat and sweating can also aggravate eczema, choosing the right fabrics for your clothes is doubly important.

Eczema is a skin condition that produces red, itchy, dry and cracked skin. Using moisturizer frequently will help treat the symptoms and provide some relief. Petroleum jelly is an excellent moisturizer that contains no perfumes to irritate the skin. Keep a jar of petroleum jelly near every sink and use it throughout the day to soothe and add moisture to your skin.

Put on some gloves. You need to keep your hands protected. For example, you should wear rubber gloves when you do the dishes. Cotton gloves are a good investment for when you need to tackle the housework or you are heading into the cold air. Avoid wool and other itchy fabrics. It can irritate skin.

If you suffer from eczema, try not to sweat too much. Of course, certain sweating cannot be avoided. But, it is important to try to keep the skin cool. If you do sweat, say from a workout or a jog, be sure to take a shower as soon as you are done.

Eczema can make your life miserable if you are unable to find an effective way to treat it. There is no reason to suffer if you do not have to. With the right treatment program, you can find quick relief from the misery of eczema. Use the advice you have read here to get help.

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