When You Want To Bring The Fun Back Into Traveling

Travel can mean the exhilaration of seeing new places or the nightmare of not having the comforts and security of home. Like anything, travel goes much more smoothly with a little bit of knowledge and preparation. Keep reading for some sound advice from seasoned travelers on making your journeys pleasant memories.

If you love to travel but have a chronic illness, don’t fret! Your traveling days are not over. Just remember to travel smart by having all of your necessary medical supplies and emergency information readily accessible. You’ll feel more comfortable leaving home and be prepared for any emergency situation!

If you are traveling light and planning to wash laundry as you go, use your daily shower as an opportunity to wash your underwear and even your lightweight shirt. It only takes a few moments and prevents you from building up a pile of laundry that needs to be washed all at once.

When traveling by air, there is no longer any reason to carry a separate toiletries bag. All of your liquids and gels will need to fit into a Ziplock bag regardless. That bag will already be sealed, and will be smaller and lighter than any bag designated for the task.

When deciding what to wear on your feet when you go on a plane ride, keep in mind that you will be most comfortable in shoes that slip off easily. Crocs or flip flops are best because they can be taken off or put on in an instant.

Don’t rely on ribbons and bows to make your luggage stand out from the rest of the pack. These adornments can very easily be torn off in transit. Instead, opt for luggage in a bright, unusual color or vivid pattern that stands out on its own and can’t be removed.

Even if you are planning an extended stay in a foreign country, there are some items you should leave behind, mostly as a precautionary measure. Valuables such as jewelry, are safer at home than they are overseas. While the desire to bring a reminder of home with you is understandable, don’t take sentimental or one-of-a-kind items that can’t be replaced. Remove unnecessary, yet important items from your wallet, including credit cards that you don’t need and your Social Security card.

Don’t get slammed with phone bill shock when you return home from traveling. Make a quick call to your service provider about what to expect when using your cell at your travel destination. Adjust your rate plan temporarily in accordance can save you massive headaches when that wireless bill arrives.

Making a photocopy of your passport before your trip can save you from trouble on your travels. If you happen to lose your passport while traveling internationally, take the copy to your embassy. Having a copy handy will help expedite getting a replacement.

When traveling, always know the number of doors between your hotel room and the exit. If there is a fire, you will have to quickly move to the stairwell. If the fire produces a lot of smoke, you may not be able to see, so feeling the doors and counting until you reach the right one may be your only option.

Use a broomstick to lock your sliding door. Sliding doors are difficult to safely secure. Their locks aren’t always the best but you can fortify them by placing a cut-off broomstick in the channel behind the sliding panel. Cut the broomstick so that it is long enough to reach from the inside edge of the sliding door to the opposite door frame. It’s simple, and it’s cheap. Just explain it to all the members of the household – you do not want it to be a fire hazard either.

When driving with more than one adult, especially if one is your spouse, try to share the driving responsibilities. This is especially helpful when driving long distances. This provides a break to the driver, so that he or she, can just sit back and relax for a while during the trip, too.

Most flights that are long and include meals, have options for a kids’ meal if you request for a children’s meal before you get on the flight. This is particularly useful if your kids are picky and would much rather enjoy chicken fingers instead of steamed vegetables for their meals.

You should write all of your contact information inside your luggage, include your name, address, and home and mobile phone numbers. This is helpful if the tags on your luggage gets detached. This way, when your luggage is found, it can be returned to you. If you allow your luggage to stray from your field of vision, you may never see it again.

Avoid hefty baggage charges by shipping your luggage ahead of you when traveling on domestic flights. It’s a great way to save money; just be sure to book your flight well in advance and have a safe delivery site.

Part of any travel plans should be research on your destination’s weather. When making plans you should know what kind of outdoor activities you will be taking part in and what the seasonal weather is like at your destination. Keep the weather in mind and you will minimize the time you have to spend indoors.

Talk to any road warrior and they can tell you both stories of great trips and disaster journeys. Some of the things they have learned have been shared in this article. Keep these tips in mind in preparing for your future travels, and you are sure to come home with great memories rather than headaches.

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